Chris Yandle

Chris Yandle

Fitness Director & HYROX Performance Coach, Head Barista

Deadlift: 440 lbs

Bench: 230 lbs

Squat: 345 lbs

Clean: 130 kg

2K Row: 6:52

Hiked the tallest mountain in Colorado


CrossFit Level 2 certification

Precision Nutrition Coach Level 1

CrossFit Scaling

CrossFit Judge

About Coach

As a kid I played baseball, basketball, and football from the age of 5 to 18. Once I was too old to participate in youth sports I lost all forms of exercise. In 2012 I took my first CrossFit class. The challenge and competitive nature filled two voids for me: competition and fitness. In 2015 i started my coaching career as a hobby to help others at something I was decent at. My role in that community grew from member to coach and eventually owner. A global pandemic put a massive hurdle on the industry and myself. After a few months of not coaching I discovered how much I missed it. Luckily I met an amazing couple who were looking for a coach at their new gym. That opportunity gave me a role to lead others that I didn’t already know. I was forced to become better as I was surrounded by some of the best coaches in the country. I learned how to coach a larger variety of clients. From first timers all the way up to highly competitive athletes.

Turning Point

My turning point as a coach is an accumulation of successes of others. Doubting my abilities, not trusting my instincts, and needing to control every aspect of my clients. Every time someone achieved a goal or made progress with any amount of help from me proved to myself that I am good at what I do. I was no longer the coach with 1 week of experience. The shield of having to be right went away and a new pathway to learn and understand that you’re always growing and getting better. That’s what makes you a better coach than the one you were yesterday.

Motivation & Passion

I have two passions/motivations that help me show up early every morning full of energy and excited to do my job. They both have the same outcome, pure joy. Witnessing someone do something that they thought they would never be capable of doing. Seeing someone achieve that goal they have been working on for months or years. The payoff of someone’s dedication and hard work makes this career so much fun.

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